Serve Around
The World

Explore the different ways you can join Covenant in
serving around the world.


Covenant’s Cuba ministry partnership is building long-term relationships with our Cuban brothers and sisters in Christ, particularly with the Presbyterian Church in the Havana barrio known as Luyanó.

Since 1994, members of both churches have bonded through Bible study, fellowship and service as we encourage our communities to follow Jesus wherever we live, work and play.

Covenant members travel to Cuba to participate in special events like church anniversaries and Vacation Bible School. We also seek volunteers to travel to Cuba, to contribute supplies such as over-the-counter medicines and baby goods and to pray for those traveling. Watch this video to learn more about our sister church in Luyanó.

For more information, contact Jack Kern, Cuba Ministry Team Leader

Missionaries in the Solomon Islands

Pam and Nico Daams have worked with Wycliffe Bible Translators since 1977. The couple currently leads a team working on projects across Micronesia and Polynesia to produce translations of the Bible in the many languages found in that part of the world.

Increasingly, the Daams’ focus is on recruiting, training and encouraging Pacific Islanders in order to make translation work sustainable. The Wycliffe organization believes that scripture in a language people know is the most solid foundation for a healthy church. Pam also runs trauma healing workshops and training for Aboriginal and refugee communities.

The Daams’ long-standing connection with Covenant began in 1996 through Covenant member Betty Hall, who met the Daams at First Presbyterian Church in Houston. Pam and Nico have visited our church many times, giving presentations on their work to the youth, Sunday school classes and at Wednesday night programming. They send regular updates on their work and prayer requests.

For more information on the Daams and their ministry, Contact Whitney Bell.

Arthur and
Liezl Pienaar

Missionaries with Overland Missions

Covenant began supporting Arthur and Liezl Pienaar, senior staff with Overland Missions in Zambia for 15 years, in 2015. Overland Missions, based in Florida, seeks to bring the Gospel to unreached peoples and to support the development of local churches.

One of Arthur’s focuses is leadership training and development of indigenous church leaders. He also serves on the Chaplaincy Team, which provides a chaplain for each of the individual chiefs, traditional leaders in Africa who play an important role in governing their communities and resolving conflicts.

Liezl pioneered the Overland Mission children program, Kids on Fire, which seeks to provide children with the full message of the Gospel, equip them for real ministry, and create opportunities for them to encounter the presence of God regularly. Hundreds of children participate in this program. Watch this video about the ministry.

Arthur and Liezl also serve on the Pastoral Care Team for Zambia, Mozambique, Angola, Zanzibar, and the USA and as faculty for Overland Missions’ Advanced Missions Training for international and indigenous students.

Covenant mission teams worked with Arthur and Liezl in Zambia for several years, conducting medical clinics and reaching out to local villages to create churches in the village. For more information, contact Whitney Bell.