
Meet Our Pastors, Staff, and Session Members


Thomas Daniel

Senior Pastor

Thomas has served as Covenant Presbyterian’s senior pastor since 2014.

Born and raised in Atlanta, GA, Thomas graduated from Davidson College in North Carolina and then spent two years teaching English in Japan, where he met his wife, Beth.

Thomas attended Columbia Theological Seminary, earning a Masters of Divinity in 2003 and a Doctor of Ministry in 2011.

While in seminary, he serve as the director of college ministry at North Avenue Presbyterian Church and went on to become the congregation’s associate pastor of evangelism. He has also served as co-pastor and head of staff at First Presbyterian Church in Evanston, IL, as well as organizing co-pastor of an Atlanta church plant called Kairos Church, which quickly grew from seven to more than 300 people.

Associate Pastor Jill Williams

Jill Williams

Associate Pastor for Congregational Care and Mission

Jill joined Covenant in 2007. 

She grew up in Florida and made a public profession of faith as a teenager during confirmation in a Methodist church. In college, God used the surprising avenue of a sorority to reveal the reality of his presence to her. 

Jill graduated from Auburn University in Alabama in 1988 with a bachelor’s degree in computer science and started her career as a systems analyst.

In 1992, God’s unexpectedly called Jill to lead youth and family ministries in Huntsville, AL. After a decade of full-time youth ministry, Jill attended Fuller Seminary, graduating in 2006 with a Master of Divinity degree. She served in caring ministries at Bel Air Presbyterian in Los Angeles for three years before joining Covenant.

Jill is a habitual tea drinker, loves to go on walks, and enjoys new experiences and travel. She’s passionate about the things she knows are important to God’s heart. She values people of all ages and loves the diversity of people in our world. Jill’s desire is to follow Christ faithfully and obediently wherever He leads, sharing God’s love with those around her.

Ben Davison

Associate Pastor for Discipleship

Ben has served as Covenant’s Associate of Discipleship since 2024. 

A native midwesterner, Ben was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio and graduated from Hope College in 2019. He then earned his Master of Divinity from Duke Divinity School in Durham, North Carolina. After graduating, he moved to Indianapolis, Indiana to serve as a pastoral resident at Second Presbyterian Church. Throughout this call, Ben rotated through the ministry areas of pastoral care, missions, discipleship, youth, and Christian education. 

Ben and his wife Mary Elise can often be found loitering in coffee shops, browsing in local bookstores, and traversing mountain bike trails. Ben is very happy when he is chasing down a soccer ball, swinging a tennis racquet, or cycling on a country road. He is determined to find the best taco in Austin and to reward that establishment with years of loyal business. 

Ben finds great joy in helping people discover how their stories are found within the story of God. It is his great privilege to learn and walk alongside others in the long journey of faith.


Beth McMullen Daniel

Parish Associate for Older Adult Ministries

Beth has served as Covenant’s Parish Associate for Older Adults since 2015.

Born and raised in the coal-mining valleys of South Wales, Beth received a Bachelor of Science from the European Business Management School at the University of Wales, Swansea. 

She intended to live and teach in Japan for a year before pursuing her MBA in Wales. But God had a different plan. She met Thomas, married, and moved to Atlanta, GA. While there, she earned Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Columbia Theological Seminary.

Beth has served as a director of Christian education, associate pastor for discipleship, and co-founder and co-pastor of a new church development. She’s led retreats, courses, and classes—particularly for women’s groups—and has taught both Greek and Hebrew. 

She and Thomas have two daughters, Hannah Joy and Miriam Grace. Beth enjoys time with her family, traveling, and watching Welsh rugby. She drinks too much British tea and knows the lyrics (and the dance moves) to most 80s songs.

Allen Hilton

Director of Covenant's Institute for Missional Formation

Allen earned his MDiv from Princeton Theological Seminary and his PhD from Yale University. He taught New Testament at St. Mary’s College of California and at Yale Divinity School before answering the call to be a pastor. He served as a pastor for over 15 years, working at churches in Connecticut, Washington, Minnesota and Arizona.

Allen realized sometime around 2015 from his work in both the academic world and in churches the nation was coming apart at the seams. He launched a consulting business to help groups embrace and learn from their differences, and is the Executive Director of House United, a non-profit initiative he founded in 2016. He travels around the nation to help people in churches, schools, corporate teams and other groups learn to collaborate and build community, even though they vote differently in elections. Allen’s book, “A House United: How the Church Can Save the World,” suggests that faith communities should be an active part of the solution to political polarization.

Allen was introduced to Covenant through his Courageous Conversations, which he led on campus in the fall of 2022, and continues that work as a staff member. He is also part of the preaching team, leads Sunday School classes, and works with leaders of small groups and Bible studies. Finally, he works with staff members to help them develop their departments.

An Austinite since 2017, Allen likes to plan creative dates with his wife, Liz. They have two sons, Isaac and Sam, and a labradoodle named Winston. Allen is a golfer, which he considers to be both fun and part of his spiritual growth plan. He is a fan of good detective fiction and the West Wing.

Stephen Murray

Parish Associate


Christian Antwi

Love Letter Fund Coordinator

Chris Baker

Staff Accountant

Whitney Bell

Director of Mission

Stephanie Campbell

Stephanie Campbell

Curriculum & Administrative Coordinator for Children & Family Ministry

Lena Carson

Administrative Assistant to Music & Worship

Maureen Crawley

Executive Assistant to the Senior Pastor

Duane Dube

Duane Dube

Chief Operating Officer

Jennifer English

Receptionist & Scheduling Coordinator

Mary Priscilla Garcia

Director of Communications

Elizabeth Gilligan

Handbell Director
Interim Children’s Choir Coordinator

Laura Hargrave

Director of Covenant Presbyterian Preschool & Child’s Day Out

Jana Harrison

Administrative Assistant for Congregational Care

Brie Hutchison

Assistant Director of Preschool

Darleen Kleinhenz

Darleen Kleinhenz

Director of Operations

Audrey McClellan

Youth Ministry Intern

Katie McFarlane

Associate Director of Children & Family Ministry

Mary Helen Mitchell

Memorial Service Coordinator

Elizabeth Moore

Director of Children Ministry

Melissa Ray

Graphic Designer & Webmaster

Jesse Reyes

Jesse Reyes

Senior Custodian

Grace Roberson

Associate Director of Youth Ministry

Kathryn Sedberry

Kathryn Sedberry

Director of Adult Ministry

Michael Shuman

Director of Music Ministry

Amy Skaggs

Amy Skaggs

Visitor & New Member Coordinator

Raúl Torres

Video Production Manager

Jerry Wise

Director of Contemporary Worship
& Journey


Thomas Daniel

Senior Pastor & Moderator of Session

Jill Williams

Associate Pastor for Congregational Care and Mission

Duane Dube

Administrator & Chief Operating Officer

Melanie Williamson

Clerk of Session
2024 - 2027

Dave Ashton

Administration Co-Liaison
Elder Class of 2025

Emily Ross

Discipleship Liaison
Elder Class of 2025

Mike Barnes

Administration Co-Liaison
Elder Class of 2025

Jen Harold

Children & Family Ministry Liaison
Elder Class of 2025

Doug Wolfe

Youth Ministry Liaison
Elder Class of 2025

Mary Beth Bosworth

Personnel Liaison
Elder Class of 2026

Page Harris

Visitor & New Member Co-Liaison
Elder Class of 2026

Dan Hart

Finance Liaison
Elder Class of 2026

John McFarlane

Congregational Care Liaison
Elder Class of 2026

Fred Voorhees

Foundation Liaison
Elder Class of 2026

W. Gaines Bagby

Communications & Technology Committee Liaison
Elder Class of 2027

Megan Clark

Worship Committee Liaison
Elder Class of 2027

Julie Ann Hartman

Institute for Missional Formation Committee Liaison
Elder Class of 2027

Mary Jane Parker

Visitor & New Member Co-Liaison
Elder Class of 2027

John Walker

Mission Committee Liaison
Elder Class of 2027