Event Series Sunday Worship Services

Sunday Worship Services

Covenant Presbyterian Campus 3003 Northland Drive, Austin

Service Times Traditional Worship (Sanctuary) Sundays | 8:15 & 9:30 am Contemporary Worship (Fellowship Hall) Sundays | 11:00 am Online Worship (covenant.org/worship-online) Sundays | 9:30 & 11:00 am Learn more…

Early Word Bible Discussion Class

Covenant Hall, Floor 2 3003 Northland Drive, Austin

Read and discuss the sermon discussion guide on the sermon preached the week before and the scripture that will be preached in worship the morning of the class. Sundays, 8:30…

Event Series Worship as a Family

Worship as a Family

Covenant Sanctuary 3003 Northland Drive, Austin

This Sunday is Worship as a Family at the 9:30 hour. There will be goodie bags and kids' bulletins available for all ages. Childcare is still available for ages 3…


Covenant FEB, Floor 1 3003 Northland Drive, Austin

Read and discuss books that explore a variety of Christian topics. First Sunday of the month devoted to a previous Covenant sermon. Sundays, 9:30 a.m., FE 107 Michele Keeler, mkeeler@austin.utexas.edu

Event Series Kids Sunday School

Kids Sunday School

Covenant FEB, Floor 3 3003 Northland Drive, Austin +1 more

Sunday School is available for children ages 2 years to 5th grade. Kindergarten - 3rd grade will experience large group time, play games, and hear stories and lessons from the…

GraceNotes Choir Rehearsal

Covenant Presbyterian Campus 3003 Northland Drive, Austin

GraceNotes is Covenant's auditioned chamber choir singing sacred music from all styles and historical periods. Auditions are required. Sundays, 10:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Contact: Michael Shuman, mshuman@covenant.org

Pro Musica Handbell Choir Rehearsal

Covenant Presbyterian Campus 3003 Northland Drive, Austin

Our handbell choir is a dedicated five-octave ensemble for new or experienced ringers. The group provides music for Sunday morning worship, concerts, and other church events. Sundays, 12:45-2:30 p.m. Contact:…

Sunday Night Men’s Bible Study

Covenant Library, FEB Floor 1 3003 Northland Drive, Austin

Study and discuss the Bible, using supporting related resources. Fall study is season four of "The Chosen", including episodic Bible round table discussions. Sundays, 5:00 p.m., Covenant Library Jack Kern,…

Event Series 707 Bible Study

707 Bible Study

Covenant FEB, Floor 4 3003 Northland Drive, Austin

Weekly study for middle and high school students geared towards learning how to read, process, and apply God's words in daily life. Email Grace Roberson at groberson@covenant.org to learn more.…