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Daily Devotional
Daily Devotionals delivered straight to your inbox Monday through Friday
Subscribe to our Daily Devotional
If you don’t have a regular practice of prayer and scripture reading, we invite you to pray and read with us every day by subscribing to the daily devotional email. Monday through Friday morning, you’ll receive an email with a guided devotional for prayer and study.

How to use the Daily Devotional
Praying the Psalms
The psalms give us language to express grief, anxiety, frustration and pain. They also give us hope because they witness to a God who is at work pouring out mercy, patiently redeeming sinners and making all things new. Consider what you can pray from the psalms for each day.
Scripture Reading
The readings found in this devotional are part of a two-year lectionary that will guide you through most of the Old Testament (once) and the New Testament (twice). We read scripture because it is the primary way God speaks to us. Before you read, spend a few minutes in silence preparing to listen for God’s word to you through your reading. Click the link below for instructions for how to read using Lectio Divina.
Confessional Reading
Each day, the devotional includes a short reading from one of our Confessions. These confessional readings aid our reading of scripture by helping us see how Christians have interpreted the Bible throughout history. For a full list of our confessions, click the link below.
Every week we use the same collect to pray together. A collect is simply a prayer that gathers the intentions of a community and focuses them into a succinct prayer. Feel free to use the collect as a place to start, adding your own prayer to it. To learn more about this form of prayer, watch the video link below.
Daily Examen (For Evening Use)
The Examen is a form of prayer that helps us pay attention to God’s presence in our lives and assess whether we are being truthful about ourselves and our relationship with God. The Examen asks us to consider the events and experiences of our day and reflect on them in the company of God’s Spirit. Each email guides you through the five steps: presence, gratitude, review, pray, expect.