Covenant Children and Family Ministry has activities for fun and to learn about our programming and how you can be a part of it!
Join Covenant Children and Family Ministry for our Back-to-School party. This will be a night of pizza, fun and an introduction to our 2019-2020 programming on Aug. 16 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Kids will eat pizza and play in the gym while parents and volunteers learn about all the offerings in Children and Family Ministry. This is a great time to get plugged in and meet other families. Being a consistent presence in the life of kids sends a strong signal of God’s consistent and faithful love and we want you to be a part! Childcare is available for all ages and dinner will be offered for adults. Attending this night will also count as our annual required training for all volunteers. RSVP through Realm. We can’t wait to see you!
If you are unable to attend our Back-to-School Night, Children and Family Ministry is hosting two Sunday morning orientations/trainings. The staff will introduce you to what a Sunday Morning looks like in children’s ministry and provide an overview of our programming and safety policy. Attending this training will fulfill our annual required training for all volunteers. Sign up through Realm to attend on Aug. 25 at 10:30 a.m. for new volunteers (snacks provided) or 12:15 p.m. for returning volunteers (lunch provided). Stay in the know about Covenant kids by following us on Instagram @covenantkidsatx.