Above and Beyond

Celebrating Stephen and Beth's Leadership

As we welcome Associate Pastor for Discipleship Ben Davison, we want to take a moment to recognize two team members who went above and beyond during a critical season of transition. For more than a year, Parish Associates Stephen Murray and Beth McMullen Daniel have played pivotal roles in pastoral care, preaching, and leadership. Under their guidance, our programs thrived, and we are deeply grateful for their selfless dedication to our community.

Our journey with Stephen began in 2018. Recently retired from a 40-year career as a Presbyterian Senior Pastor, Stephen, along with his wife Diane, found a church home in Covenant. Returning to pastoral leadership was not on Stephen’s agenda. However, when Pastor Jill Williams underwent treatment for endometrial cancer in March of 2023, Stephen graciously stepped into the role of Parish Associate at Covenant. Over the past 17 months, Stephen’s pastoral leadership, Sunday sermons, and pastoral care have become invaluable to our team. His gracious demeanor and seasoned wisdom have guided us through not only the transitionary period of Jill’s treatment but also the interim while we sought our new Associate Pastor for Discipleship.

When Pastor Jon Wasson first went on Sabbatical, and then was called away from Covenant, we knew that the search for our new Associate Pastor for Discipleship would be arduous, and suddenly several departments were without senior leadership. Parish Associate Beth McMullen Daniel stepped up and into a role larger than many of us realized. From May 2023 to August 2024, Beth oversaw more team members than any other leader on staff! She continued to lead the ministry areas of Older Adults and then added Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, and Adult Discipleship to her roster. With clarity and her trademark Welsh wit, Beth led these teams to thrive.

Through their sacrifice and determination, Stephen and Beth carried us through two unexpected seasons of transition, allowing our ministries to continue flourishing. We are deeply grateful for their dedication to our congregation. Thanks to their leadership, we have successfully carried out the work God has called us to do. We’re excited to continue our partnership with Beth and Stephen as they remain in their Parish Associate roles, and we look forward to the work ahead this fall!