Event Series Children’s Choir Rehearsal

Children’s Choir Rehearsal

Covenant FEB, Floor 3 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Join us this year for Children's Choir at Covenant! We learn about the Lord through music and lead in worship. For children aged PreK-5th Grade. Rehearsals on Wednesdays, 5:00 p.m. Elizabeth Gilligan,

Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

Covenant Sanctuary, Choir Room 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Our Sanctuary Choir regularly participates in the traditional worship services. This choir sings a wide range of music and welcomes all singers, regardless of ability. Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. Michael Shuman,

GraceNotes Choir Rehearsal

Covenant Presbyterian Campus 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

GraceNotes is Covenant's auditioned chamber choir singing sacred music from all styles and historical periods. Auditions are required. Sundays, 10:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Contact: Michael Shuman,

Pro Musica Handbell Choir Rehearsal

Covenant Presbyterian Campus 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Our handbell choir is a dedicated five-octave ensemble for new or experienced ringers. The group provides music for Sunday morning worship, concerts, and other church events. Sundays, 12:45-2:30 p.m. Contact: Elizabeth Gilligan,

Worship as a Family

Covenant Sanctuary 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Enjoy Easter Sunday worshipping as a family together. We will provide Busy Bags and a children's bulletin. Nursery childcare available for ages 3 months to 4 years.