Christmas Giving Tree

Christmas Giving Tree
December 1 – 22
The Christmas Giving Tree is an opportunity to give back this Advent season by donating gift cards and supplies to mission partners in need. We’ll have Christmas trees on campus with labeled ornaments explaining how to support our donation recipients.
The Christmas Giving Trees will be in the office lobby of Covenant Hall as well as the lobby of the Fellowship and Education building every Sunday morning from December 1 – December 22. Each of those Sundays, there will be a drop off bin for gifts next to the trees.
How to Participate
Our hope is that everyone would take an ornament and not only purchase the requested item on the ornament, but place the ornament on their own tree as a reminder to pray for that organization and the work they do in our city.
Texas Reach Out Ministries
Requesting $25 Walmart gift cards
Manos De Cristo
Requesting $25 HEB cards
Austin Voices for Education & Youth
Requesting $25 Target gift cards
Street Youth Ministry
Requesting this backpack, found here.
Street Youth has also asked for new socks to be stuffed in the backpack, if possible. This is not required.
To learn more about the work of these mission partners, visit or Contact Whitney Bell at:

Need help finding more information about our Mission Spotlight? Contact Whitney Bell, Covenant’s Director of Mission.