Easter Lily Orders

Each year, Covenant members adorn the Sanctuary and FE 200 with Easter Lilies in honor and remembrance of loved ones. Each plant is $15. Lilies may be ordered through through the form below or through the printed forms located in the narthex and FEB lobby. Easter Lily ordering will be available from February 25 – March 24. 

Two Ways To Order

Order Online

Step One:

Fill our the form below.

Step Two:

Visit covenant.org/give, choose the fund marked “Easter Lilies” and make your payment online. 

Order In Person

Step One:

Fill out the printed form found in the narthex, the FEB lobby and at the reception desk in Covenant Hall.

Step Two:

Write a check made payable to Covenant Presbyterian Church, with Easter Lilies” in memo line. Checks may be sent by mail or placed in the offering plate on Sunday.

Our mailing address is:

Covenant Presbyterian Church
Accounting Department
3003 Northland Dr.
Austin, TX 78757