707 Bible Study

Covenant FEB, Floor 4 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Weekly study for middle and high school students geared towards learning how to read, process, and apply God's words in daily life. Email Grace Roberson at to learn more.…

Andrew Hawkins Men’s Bible Study

Covenant Hall, Floor 2 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Weekly men’s Bible study with an informal structure geared toward rich fellowship. Mondays, 6:30 p.m., CO 202 Gene McKenzie,

Parents of Teens Book Study

Covenant FEB, Floor 1 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Read various books, drop-in at anytime. 1st & 3rd Sundays, 9:30 a.m., FE 104 Shannon Aycock,

Card Writing Ministry

Covenant Hall, Room 208 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Come join a new ministry of sending handwritten notes or greeting cards to encourage someone in the Covenant family. Participants can gather monthly with others or work from home.

Monthly Women’s Lunch Bunch

Covenant FEB, Floor 1 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Monthly BYO lunch study featuring fellowship, prayer, and discussion. 1st Thursdays, 12:00 – 1:15 p.m., FE 104 sitting room Maya Moghadam,

Armchair Travelers

Covenant FEB, Floor 2 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Monthly travel presentation designed to help you explore the world without leaving your seat. 1st Thursdays, 7:00 p.m., FE 200 and virtual Marv Hackert,

GraceNotes Choir Rehearsal

Covenant Presbyterian Campus 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

GraceNotes is Covenant's auditioned chamber choir singing sacred music from all styles and historical periods. Auditions are required. Sundays, 10:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Contact: Michael Shuman,

Men in the Word

Covenant FEB, Floor 2 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Weekly men’s study emphasizes building community and living lives guided by scripture. Studying 1 Timothy in the fall, and the “red letters” of Jesus in the spring Thursdays, 6:00 a.m.,…