Wednesday Morning Prayer

A weekly 30-minute time of prayer guided by the upcoming Sunday’s Revised Common Lectionary readings. Wednesdays, 9–9:30 a.m., virtual Don Davis,

Moms in the Word

Covenant Hall, Floor 2 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Moms in the Word falls under the umbrella of Lamplighters, and is a low-pressure weekly Bible study that provides fellowship for young moms with free childcare available. This year’s studies…

Event Series Open Nursery

Open Nursery

Covenant FEB Nursery Hallway 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Children & Family Ministry is dedicated to supporting our families at every stage of life. In an ongoing effort to create space for building strong communities, fostering spiritual growth, and…

Event Series Downtown Men’s Bible Study

Downtown Men’s Bible Study

Covenant Hall, Room 208 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Men’s lunch, fellowship, and lively discussion. RSVP required. 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 12:00 p.m., Covenant Presbyterian Church, CO 208 Maureen Crawley, 

Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

Covenant Sanctuary, Choir Room 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Our Sanctuary Choir regularly participates in the traditional worship services. This choir sings a wide range of music and welcomes all singers, regardless of ability. Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. Michael Shuman,…

Men in the Word

Covenant FEB, Floor 2 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Weekly men’s study emphasizes building community and living lives guided by scripture. Studying 1 Timothy in the fall, and the “red letters” of Jesus in the spring Thursdays, 6:00 a.m.,…

Monthly Women’s Bible Study – Sarah Elizabeth

Covenant Hall, Floor 2 3003 Northland Drive, Austin, TX, United States

Monthly Women’s Bible Study meets in small groups for scripture study, fellowship, prayer, and mission. This is a great introduction to those new to Bible study or for busy women…