Update: Covenant was pleased to fill this position. You may learn about the new director here.
Covenant Presbyterian Church is growing. The church is home to 1,700 members who worship in four different Sunday morning services – three traditional services and one contemporary service. Located in central Austin, the church attracts a diverse mix of congregants who come together to follow Jesus.
Music at Covenant
One thing that attracts worshipers to Covenant is its vibrant music program. Led for nearly a quarter-century by Director of Music Ministry Tom Brown, the choirs continuously attract 70-plus members. Covenant’s largest choir, the Sanctuary Choir, sings in worship at the 9:30 and 11 a.m. Traditional Worship Services. Covenant GraceNotes is made up of an auditioned group of 20 singers who perform more difficult music. Covenant Folk Band also participates in worship once a month. During the summer, our more laid back Summer Choir sings in the 9:30 a.m. Traditional Worship Service.
“I have always appreciated the ambitious attitude of our adult choirs and their willingness to sing good music that spiritually enriches worship. Our choirs don’t wish to merely entertain or appease congregants. We are a very active ministry with a rather diverse complexion,” Brown said of the choirs.
The Covenant choirs have special music in worship for services such as the Hanging of the Green, Jazz Sunday and Easter, as well as stand-alone concerts during Advent and in the spring. Covenant is a rare church choir that maintains a concert schedule. The Music Director also directs a staff member responsible for a vibrant youth music program. Journey, Covenant’s middle and high school choir, has 47 members. The church’s grade school music program boasts four different choirs. All Covenant youth choirs sing in worship throughout the year.
Covenant’s Vision
“Encouraging one another to follow Jesus wherever we live, work and play.”
Covenant’s members and staff recognize that “church” doesn’t just happen in a building. Covenant members seek to be followers of Jesus who live out their faith beyond the church campus where they live, work and play. Since Covenant was founded in 1961, church members have been showing their love for Jesus by serving Austin and the world. Though Austin has greatly changed, the philosophy of Covenant has remained the same. The church community continues to serve our city and the world in many ways. Thus, Covenant has a very active mission ministry. Many members are part of Covenant’s Refugee Welcome Ministry. Volunteers teach weekly ESL classes at the church and help homeless kids around the University of Texas campus. Covenant supports Texas Reach Out, a ministry that helps prisoners transitioning from jail. These are a just a few examples of the many opportunities to serve at Covenant.
Key Programs at Covenant
Covenant serves its diverse population well. The church has a booming children’s program. In 2018, our average Sunday morning attendance for children’s Sunday school exceeds 200 kids. The youth ministry, too, has seen huge gains over the past years, including this year’s confirmation class of 19 students. Covenant also has a strong program for its older members. VISIONS (Very Interesting Seniors Investigating Our New Season of Life) events include a monthly activity day, a monthly luncheon and much more. Covenant small groups offer members an intentional community with whom to share life’s journey. These groups have been instrumental in creating a culture of authentic community within the church. Many members also participate in men’s and women’s Bible studies, and various classes, all meeting at different times and places.
What’s Austin Like?
U.S. News and World Report, in 2017, named Austin the best place to live in America. The magazine ranked the country’s 100 largest metropolitan areas based on affordability, job prospects and quality of life. Austin is known as the “Live Music Capital of the World,” making it an attractive place to be a musician. Austin has numerous music venues, often with local bands performing. The city also has a symphony, a ballet and many theater options. Austin is home to the state capital and the University of Texas, making it a hub for lawmaking and education.
Read the full job description here.
To apply for the job, send your resume to: Clark Weatherby, c/o Covenant Presbyterian Church, 3003 Northland Dr., Austin, TX 78757 or email Clark here.