Covenant's deacons will host an election day prayer vigil on Tuesday, November 5 from 6:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. We express our ongoing trust and dependence upon God as we gather in prayer for our nation, our city, our congregation, and our relationships. We will provide prayer guidebooks with options for individuals and for families…
Each Wednesday, September 11 through November 20 we'll gather for a deeper dive into the book of Philippians with Dr. Allen Hilton, echoing the material from Sunday morning. Dinner available at 5:00 p.m. Wednesdays, 6:15 p.m., FE200 Contact: Allen Hilton,
Join us for a Bible study with Dr. Allen Hilton, theologian and former Yale Divinity School professor, at 5280 Burgers and Taphouse! This will be an encore of our early evening study in a casual, off-campus environment. Each Wednesday, September 11 through November 20 we'll gather for a deeper dive into the book of Philippians…